National VA Chaplain Service
Certified Education Candidate (CEC) Training

The National VA Chaplain Service Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Center is now offering Certified Education Candidate (CEC) Training! This is a dynamic, experiential, and transformative 2.5 – 3-year training program to become an CPE Certified Educator.
Our evidence-based, culturally, and theoretically diverse curriculum and faculty will engage and challenge all of you. We seek to celebrate, refine, and to enhance your already natural, innate, and honed gifts for spiritual care, facilitation, instruction, and coordination. This will be done through structured weekly educational elements, peer group engagement, and educating under the supervision of experts in the field.
All VA staff chaplains! Are you passionate about spiritual care for Veterans? Do you consider yourself a life-long learner? Have you or others noticed your giftedness in teaching, coaching, guiding, coordinating, developing programs/curriculum, mentoring, and/or facilitating individual and group experiences? If the answer is yes to all three, you may be an excellent prospect for becoming a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Educator.
The VA needs you and believes in your talents! The National VA Chaplain Service CPE Center is seeking to invest in you and your potential to manifest, maximize, and multiply resources to equip future VA staff chaplains for culturally competent spiritual care for our nation’s Veterans.
With the support of the Secretary of the Veteran Affairs, the National Chaplain Service CPE Center is committed to training the next generation of VA CPE educators, to be leaders, innovators, and force multipliers. We are tasked with empowering and equipping You to empower and equip future VA chaplains to achieve excellence in meeting the spiritual health care needs of Veterans receiving primary health care in VHA. This is our mission – join us!
The National VA Chaplain Service CPE Center offers bi-annual (Winter & Summer) opportunities to apply, interview, and be accepted into this exciting and empowering training program.
The National VA Chaplain Service CPE Center is offering virtual continuing education - Certified Education Candidate (CEC) training provided by our exceptional Certified Educator faculty for current VA Staff Chaplains who qualify, apply, and are selected. The National VA Chaplain Service CPE Center is accredited by the ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care & Education. 1 Concourse Pkwy, Suite 800, Atlanta, GA 30328.
How to Apply?
The following requirements for this CEC training opportunity, in addition to the current VA Hybrid 38 staff chaplain position requirements include:
- 6 units of CPE
- Completed ACPE CEC application
- Successful interview
- Local Chief chaplain or Administrator/Direct report support and signed VA National Clinical Pastoral Education Program Continuation of Service Agreement form
** If you do not have six (6) units of CPE, please consider applying to the National VA Chaplain Service CPE Center’s level I/II CPE unit offerings.
For access to and submission of CEC application and other forms, please email us at: